Prayers to Blessed Seelos
Prayer Phone Line
Call our prayer line at (504) 586-1803 to hear a recorded message and prayer.
Prayer for Canonization
O my God, I truly believe you are present with me. I adore your limitless perfections. I thank you for the graces and gifts you gave to Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos. If it is your holy will, please let him be declared a saint of the Church so that others may know and imitate his holy life. Through his prayers please give me this favor… (Here mention your special intentions)
Let us pray together,
Blessed Seelos, acknowledging our dependence upon Almighty God, and recognizing the power of your intercession, we come to you because many prayers have been answered through your intercession. As we submit to the will of God in heaven, we pray that our petitions be granted for God’s honor and glory and for the salvation of souls.
Blessed Francis Seelos, pray for us.
Blessed Seelos, manifest yourself to all who seek your help. Teach us to prefer God in everything we do. Protect us from spiritual and temporal harm. Many times you experienced the sorrows of life and yet you overcame these trials. Show us how to overcome our trials and tribulations.
Blessed Francis Seelos, pray for us.
Blessed Seelos, you had great devotion to our Eucharistic Lord. Pray that we may know and love the Eucharist as you did. Give strength and courage to the Vicar of Christ. Protect our bishops, priests and religious. May all be zealous for the Kingdom of God.
Enlighten the minds of people who seek truth. Protect loved ones away from home. You are familiar with places where we live and work and pray. As a priest, you lived here among our ancestors. You taught them, blessed them and prayed for them. Now we come to you. We are confident you will not disappoint us.
Blessed Francis Seelos, pray for us.
(We pause now to mention our special intentions.)
Whatever God grants, we accept with a deep sense of gratitude. We thank Him. We praise Him. We want to be with Him forever.
O my God, we adore Your infinite majesty with all the powers of our being. We thank You for the graces and gifts You have bestowed upon your faithful people through the intercession of Blessed Seelos and ask You to hear our prayers this day. We beseech You to grant us the favors which we humbly ask of Your Fatherly mercy. Amen.
We have come here to venerate one of the great Blesseds of God. As Blessed Francis Seelos adds his prayers to ours, may our needs be met in the mercy of God and may our petitions be heard. Amen.
Composed BY BYRON MILLER, C.Ss.R.:
O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer,
let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in Your sight.
I offer praise to You for the grace You have bestowed
on Your humble missionary, Father Francis Xavier Seelos
May I have the same joyful vigor
that Father Seelos possessed during his earthly life
to love You deeply and live faithfully Your gospel.
Divine Physician,
You infused Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
with the gift of Your healing.
By the help of his prayers,
sustain in me the grace to know Your will
and the strength to overcome my afflictions.
For love of You, make me whole.
May I learn from the example of Father Seelos
and gain comfort from his patient endurance.
Bountiful God,
in Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, You have given Your people
a model for those who labor joyfully in Your earthly kingdom.
May his smile dwell on those who find life burdensome.
In him, our eyes continually behold the gentleness of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
COVID-19 Pandemic Prayer Composed by Richard Boever, C.Ss.R.:
Blessed Francis Seelos, you knew the sufferings of the sick at the time of the Yellow Fever Epidemic in New Orleans many years ago and gave your life ministering to those who were afflicted. Be with us in our times of trouble. So many prayers have been answered with your intercession in our struggles, and we ask you to join with us now in begging God’s protection in the face of an unseen foe which wreaks havoc in our world. We acknowledge our dependence on you, Almighty God, and pray for solace in this troubled time.
Blessed Seelos, visit the sick suffering in our hospitals and homes and help them to know God’s merciful healing in their time of need. Safeguard those who are serving the suffering with great dedication. Protect them from harm. Pray that we be surrounded by a shield to protect us as we continue in our daily endeavors. Give wisdom and right judgment to our leaders as they seek to direct us in our human efforts to be safe. Blessed Seelos, manifest your powerful aid, praying with us for healing for all who seek your help. Pray with us that we be protected from spiritual and temporal harm.
Gracious God, we know that You do not desire the destruction of Your holy people. Let us know Your mercy and free us from the affliction of coronavirus. We long to gather again as the Christian community around Your altar. Free us soon from the affliction that so limits our ability to gather for worship. Mother of Perpetual Help, be with us in your motherly tenderness for Christ’s body. Blessed Francis Seelos, powerful intercessor, join us in our humble prayer to our loving God.
Oraciones en Español
Divino médico,
Tu infundiste al beato Francisco Javier Seelos
con el don de sanación.
A través de sus oraciones
establece en mí la gracia de conocer Tu volundad
y la fortaleza de superar mis aflicciones.
Por Tu amor hazme una persona íntegra.
A través del ejemplo de Padre Seelos
que pueda aprender y obtener consuelo y paciencia en el sufrimiento.
(Pídanse las gracias que se desean consequir)
¡Oh Señor, mi Redentor y mi fuerza!
Haz que las palabras de mi boca
y el silencio de mi corazón
sean gratos en tu presencia.
Te alabo por la gracia
que has concedido a tu humilde misionero,
el redentorista Franciso Javier Seelos.
Quisiera obtener esa alegre energía
que poseyó el padre Seelos durante su vida terrena,
para amarte profundamente y vivir tu evangelio con fidelidad.
(Pídanse las gracias que se desean consequir)