“Oh, come without fear or trembling! I promise to receive you with all gentleness.”

Portrait of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos

Preacher, Miracle Worker, Friend

The heroic and miraculous religious life of the “Cheerful Ascetic” Redemptorist Father Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R. (1819-1867) inspires legions of the clergy, religious, laity and specifically those seeking a miracle of healing throughout the world.

Beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000, Fr. Seelos possessed great mystical gifts due to his life of intense prayer and penance. His innate kindness, understanding and dedication to the needs of the faithful from all walks of life makes him an outstanding model for those in religious life and laity alike. As a missionary preacher and lifelong friend of the poor and destitute, Seelos was a spiritual father to tens of thousands, giving counsel and hearing the confessions of all who came to him. Despite his untimely death at age 48, so profound was his apostolic zeal that sickness, persecution, and even the upheaval caused by civil war could not stop him.

Learn more about Bl. Seelos | Visit the Shrine

Praise & Thanksgiving

My wife underwent gallbladder surgery and the surgeon nicked her colon. 24 hours later she was in severe sepsis. She was admitted to intensive care and sedated for two weeks. During that period, a friend sent me a relic of Fr. Seelos which I pinned to my wife’s bedding asking for his intercession. The doctor told me that her survival was precarious. One week later, that same doctor looked at her and declared, “It’s a miracle,”and I believe he was right.

When planning a trip with my sister to New Orleans, I learned of Blessed Seelos. While we were making our plans, our cousin Kyle was struck with a bacterial infection which put him into a coma and paralyzed him. My sister and i requested prayers for his healing at the Shrine. Kyle went from being in a coma, unable to eat, speak, or even move, to now he walks with a walker, he is able to eat on his own and the healing is progressing very rapidly.

Recently my sister-in-law found out she had stage 3 lung cancer. While in church I noticed a Seelos prayer card, so I began to pray to Father Seelos for his intercession. On the Seelos website, I saw the prayer request form and began submitting a monthly prayer request for my sister-in-law. A few months ago, we were given our answered prayer – she is cancer free.